Little Free Pantry
The Stewiacke & Elmsdale Libraries each have a Little Free Pantry!
Located in the entrance of the Stewiacke Library and inside the Elmsdale Library, the Little Free Pantries are filled with non-perishables, snack food and drinks, and hygiene items that are free for anyone to take. The pantries are stocked through donations by generous community members, organizations, and local companies.
If you’re interested in donating to either pantry, please bring your items to the Circulation Desks at the Elmsdale & Stewiacke Libraries.
Food must be:
- Individually wrapped or in unopened containers
- Labeled
- Nonperishable
- Store bought and packaged
- Undented canned goods (pop-tops preferred)
- Unexpired
Thank you for your donations!
If you are from an organization looking to make a larger contribution to the Little Free Library, you can contact the Branch Managers:
- Denise Sheppard, Stewiacke Branch Manager, at 902-639-2481 or
- Melanie Good, Elmsdale Branch Manager, at 902-883-9838 or to make arrangements.
Community Food Resourcesр>
Experiencing food insecurity? Download our guide to the services in your community (and beyond) that can also help.
Are we missing any locations that provide free meals or food resources? Let us know by emailing