Virtual Events

From virtual story time, to live gaming tutorials and learning conversational English, our online events are always changing. Check back often to see what’s happening, virtually, for children, teens, and adults.

Take and Make Crafts

Elmsdale Library 15 Commerce Ct, Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, Canada

Weekly take-and-make craft kits are available for pick up in-branch.(While supplies last) Drop-in, no registration required.

Mystery Books!

Elmsdale Library 15 Commerce Ct, Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, Canada

Visit us at the library to check out a mystery book! Who knows what it could be? It could be a nice surprise. All ages. In Person, drop in. Please […]

Take Home Craft Kits

Stewiacke Library 295 George Street, Stewiacke, Nova Scotia, Canada

Kits change on a weekly basis and contain all supplies needed to complete the craft. For preschool and early elementary kids. Drop In: No registration necessary